A randomized controlled trial of amnioexchange for fetal gastroschisis
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology May 04, 2019
Luton D, et al. - Researchers examined if amnioexchange procedure may benefit fetal gastroschisis in humans. In this prospective, interventional, randomized study of 64 pregnant women with a fetus carrying a gastroschisis, in utero, amnioexchange was compared with a sham procedure. The Intention-to-treat analysis revealed no significant between-group differences in pregnancy outcome or complications. They noted a clear correlation between bile acid and both ferritin and IL1β when the relation between digestive compounds and amniotic fluid inflammatory markers was studied. Findings do not support amnioexchange as an option for fetal care in humans. However, supplementary evidence supporting the involvement of inflammation in gastroschisis pathogenicity was gained.
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