A randomized controlled trial comparing a medial stabilized total knee prosthesis to a cruciate retaining and posterior stabilized design: A report of the clinical and functional outcomes following total knee replacement
Journal of Arthroplasty Mar 06, 2020
Dowsey MM, et al. - A randomized controlled trial was conducted to correlate the performance of 3 total knee joint replacement (TKJR) designs 6 months after the surgery. Between March 2015 and March 2018, researchers included 90 participants, 83 were randomized: PS (n = 26), CR (n = 28), and MS (n = 29). Self-reported improvement in pain and function 6 months after TKJR, using the Oxford Knee Score were the primary outcome measures. The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, Veterans RAND 12-item Health Survey, Knee Society Score 2011, Timed Up and Go test, and Six-Minute Walk Test were considered as secondary outcomes. IT was noted that MS prosthesis can be supposed to produce similar clinical and functional outcomes to PS and CR designs 6 months after TKJR, and individuals were more satisfied with their outcome. Individuals with MS prosthesis also reported superior pain, function, and quality-of-life outcomes at 12 months compared with CR.
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