A randomized controlled study on the accuracy of free-handed, pilot-drill guided and fully guided implant surgery in partially edentulous patients
Journal of Clinical Periodontology May 24, 2018
Younes F, et al. - Researchers compared the accuracy of free-handed (FH), pilot-drill guided (PG) and fully guided (FG) implant surgery in partially edentulous patients. They randomly allocated partially edentulous patients in need of ≥2 implants in the posterior maxilla to 1 of the following treatment groups: FH, PG and FG. As per findings, FG surgery ought to be considered the gold standard approach, during the requirement of perfect implant positioning. Nonetheless, for all implants, screw-retained restorations were planned, in the FH group, 5 of 26 and in the PG group, 1 of 24 had to be restored by means of a cement-retained restoration.
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