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A randomized clinical trial to evaluate the plaque removal efficacy of an oscillating-rotating toothbrush vs a sonic toothbrush in orthodontic patients using digital imaging analysis of the anterior dentition

The Angle Orthodontist Dec 10, 2018

Erbe C, et al. - Experts conducted a randomized, examiner-blind, replicate single-use, two-treatment, four-period, crossover study to compare the plaque removal efficacy of an oscillating-rotating electric toothbrush with an orthodontic brush head vs a sonic toothbrush in adolescent patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. Among orthodontic patients, evidence for more effective plaque-removing efficacy of the oscillating-rotating toothbrush vs the sonic toothbrush is provided in the findings. For both the brush treatments, baseline plaque levels were high, covering more than 50% of the tooth area.
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