A qualitative study of the impact of endometriosis on male partners
Human Reproduction Aug 19, 2017
Culley L, et al. – This study is performed to explore the effect of endometriosis on male partners of women with the condition. Based on these outcomes, endometriosis significantly impacts men across several life domains and can negatively impact emotional well–being.
- For this research, they designed a ENDOPART study( cross–sectional, qualitative study).
- A sum of 22 women with endometriosis and their male partners (n = 44) in the UK (2012–2013) were enrolled in this study.
- Laparoscopic diagnosis of endometriosis; the presence of symptoms for at least a year; partners living together.
- Information were gathered via face to face, semi structured interviews with partners interviewed separately.
- Information were examined thematically, assisted by NVivo 10.
- In this study, men reported that endometriosis influenced numerous life domains including sex and intimacy, planning for and having children, working lives and household income.
- It also required them to take on additional support tasks and roles.
- Endometriosis also affected men's emotions, with responses including helplessness, frustration, worry and anger.
- The absence of professional or wider societal recognition of the effect on male partners, and a lack of support available to men, results in male partners having a marginalized status in endometriosis care.
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