A qualitative study exploring women's health behaviours after a pregnancy with gestational diabetes to inform the development of a diabetes prevention strategy
Diabetic Medicine Aug 17, 2018
Parsons J, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for analyzing the targeted interventions for women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) by exploring the factors that influence their health behaviours and their preferences for lifestyle support. Participants in the study were women with previous GDM taken from a diverse inner-city UK population. The psychological legacy of pregnancy, relationships with healthcare professionals, physical impacts of pregnancy, social support and cultural norms, life-scheduling, understanding and risk perception, appetite regulation, and prioritization of the baby were the identified 8 themes relating to factors influencing health behaviour. The women's recommendations for intervention components involved addressing the emotional stress of pregnancy; conveying personalized risk in a motivational way, adopting a family-centered approach, focusing on women's health rather than just the infant's, and developing flexible interventions.
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