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A qualitative study exploring the factors that influence the uptake of pre-pregnancy care among women with type 2 diabetes

Diabetic Medicine Jul 12, 2019

Forde R, et al. - Researchers conducted this investigation to obtain the views and experiences of women with type 2 diabetes and healthcare professionals on the pregnancy and pre-pregnancy care they have received or given. A qualitative study using in-depth semi-structured interviews with type 2 diabetes women (n=30) and primary and specialist care professionals (n=22). Using Framework Analysis, data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed thematically. Seven themes were identified at the patient, professional, and system level expressing factors that mediate reproductive behavior and care in women with type 2 diabetes. The themes also reveal a lack of systemic processes to incorporate pre-pregnancy care into the care of women with type 2 diabetes, which means that primary care health care professionals have limited capacity to provide such support. By the women and healthcare professionals, type 2 diabetes was generally perceived negatively. To reduce the current high levels of unprepared pregnancies in women with type 2 diabetes, this group's reproductive healthcare needs must be integrated into their mainstream diabetes management.

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