A prospective study on ultra-wide diameter dental implants for immediate molar replacement
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Sep 29, 2018
Hattingh A, et al. - Researchers assessed the clinical outcome of ultra-wide diameter implants after placement in molar extraction sockets. Fifty-one patients (36 male and 15 female), mean ages 61 years old, were treated with 26 implants in the maxilla and 25 implants in the mandible. Very little bone loss was seen with ultra-wide diameter implants. Findings suggested comparability of papilla and crown dimensions to the contra-lateral natural tooth. Compared to the implant, there was significantly more plaque at the tooth, but in terms of bleeding, there was no significant difference on probing. A high patient satisfaction was noted with 72.5% of the patients experiencing no problems at all.
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