A prospective study of clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute kidney injury in a tertiary care centre
BMC Nephrology Aug 01, 2019
Teo SH, Lee KG, Koniman R, et al. - Researchers used electronic medical records and clinical data from 404 patients (mean age was 65.8 ± 14.1) meeting the Kidney Disease, Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) definitions, to assess the epidemiology, risk factors, and results of acute kidney injury (AKI) episodes in their single centre. Patients with baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate of < 15 mL/min were not included in this study. Till 6 months following AKI diagnosis, they observed the patients. A single cause of AKI was noted in 310 (76.7%) patients, with pre-renal (27.7%), sepsis-associated (25.5%) and ischemic acute tubular necrosis (15.3%) identified as the 3 most common etiologies of AKI. The observed in-hospital mortality and six-month mortality post-AKI event were 20.3% and 9.4%, respectively. Significantly shorter survival was seen in patients with KDIGO Stage 3 AKI vs other stages. Findings revealed the association of AKI with significant in-hospital to 6-month mortality.
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