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A prospective study analyzing the association between high-grade ureteral access sheath injuries and the formation of ureteral strictures

Urology Apr 13, 2019

Stern KL, et al. - A total of 56 cases were analyzed to evaluate the intermediate- and long-term consequence of high-grade ureteral injuries from ureteral access sheaths. They used a 12/14 French sheath and the ureter was investigated with a flexible ureteroscope during withdrawal of the sheath. Ongoing hydronephrosis without an obstructing stone on follow-up imaging indicating a ureteral stricture was considered as the primary endpoint. Only 1 of the candidates developed a de novo ureteral stricture whereas 5.5% of cases had hydronephrosis on follow-up imaging. They also found associations between hydronephrosis and shorter stent duration as well as older age on univariate analysis.
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