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A prospective randomized trial comparing suture bridge and medially based single-row rotator cuff repair in medium-sized supraspinatus tears

Arthroscopy Oct 14, 2019

Yamakado K - In patients with 1- to 3-cm tear sizes, the author compared the clinical and imaging results between the suture bridge technique (SB) and the medially based single-row technique (medSR). By postoperative MRI, healing status was examined. By 92 patients at 1-year follow-up and by 74 patients at 2 years, clinical and imaging evaluations were completed. No significant differences were found in the clinical outcomes and cuff integrity between the two treatment groups at the final follow-up. However, medial cuff failure was noted only in the SB group, and incomplete healing was more common in the medSR group. When selecting the repair technique for medium-sized supraspinatus tears, one should consider the risk of medial cuff failure and incomplete healing of the repaired cuff. In 93% of patients, neo-tendon regeneration in the medSR group was noted.
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