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A prospective, randomized comparison of the long-term clinical and radiographic results of an ultra-short vs a conventional length cementless anatomic femoral stem

Journal of Arthroplasty Dec 25, 2020

Kim YH, Jang YS, Kim EJ, et al. - This study was conducted to correlate the long-term clinical and radiographic results, survival rates, and complication rates of an ultra-short vs a conventional length cementless anatomic femoral stem. In this study, the 759 patients (858 hips) (mean age, 56.3±12.9 y) who had an ultra-short cementless anatomic stem and 759 patients (858 hips) (mean age, 54.8±12.3 y) who had a conventional length cementless anatomic stem were examined. The outcomes of this study revealed that while an ultra-short cementless anatomic femoral stem confers equivalent clinical and radiographic outcomes, survival rates, and complication rates to conventional length cementless anatomic stem, the incidence of thigh pain and stress shielding was significantly lower in the ultra-short cementless anatomic stem.

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