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A prospective, multicenter, international study to explore the effect of three different amplitude settings in female subjects with urinary urge incontinence receiving interstim therapy

Neurourology and Urodynamics Mar 05, 2021

Elterman D, Ehlert M, De Ridder D, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for analyzing the impact of sub‐sensory amplitude settings of sacral neuromodulation therapy on overactive bladder symptoms in patients with urinary urge incontinence. Participants qualified for a neurostimulator device implant have been randomized to one of three amplitude settings (50% of sensory threshold [ST], 80% of ST, and ST). According to this prospective, multicenter, international study, 48 individuals had a successful test stimulation, 46 were implanted with a neurostimulator device and 43 completed the 12‐week follow‐up visit. Subsensory amplitude settings of 50% and 80% of sensory threshold showed a comparable decline in urgency incontinence episodes. Improvements in patient-reported QoL outcomes were also reported across all settings. Such results shed light on possible advancements in the postimplantation phase of therapy with the potential for improved patient comfort and increased device longevity.

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