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A prospective controlled study of metabolic and physiologic effects of kidney donation suggests that donors retain stable kidney function over the first nine years

Kidney International Feb 10, 2020

Kasiske BL, Anderson-Haag TL, Duprez DA, et al. - Despite the existence of various investigations of living kidney donors, most are retrospective without suitable controls and have produced conflicting outcomes, so, researchers undertook this study to clarify this topic. They analyzed 205 living donor candidates and 203 controls with no medical conditions precluding donation. They assessed iohexol glomerular filtration rate, clinic blood pressure, urine protein excretion and metabolic parameters described to be influenced by kidney function, prior to as well as at six months, one, two, three, six, and nine years following donation. Among 133 donors vs 113 healthy controls, the mean (95% confidence interval) change in glomerular filtration rate between six months and nine years was significantly different; 0·02 (-0·16−0·20) mL/min/1·73m2/year vs -1·26 (-1·52−-1·00) mL/min/1·73m2/year. In terms of blood pressure, urine protein, urine albumin, glucose, hemoglobin A1c, insulin, and lipoproteins, no difference was evident between controls and donors, but parathyroid hormone, homocysteine and uric acid continued to be higher at nine years. Overall, for the first nine years, donors continued to be healthy with stable kidney function, but the differences in metabolic and vascular parameters could represent signs of adverse results needing future interventions.
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