A prospective cohort study of fetal heart rate monitoring: Deceleration area is predictive of fetal acidemia
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Feb 15, 2018
Cahill AG, et al. - Researchers here aimed to describe the frequency of electronic fetal monitoring patterns seen in labor using modern nomenclature, and to test the hypothesis that visually interpreted patterns are associated with acidemia and morbidities in term infants. Furthermore, they looked for patterns prior to delivery, alone or in combination, predictive of acidemia and neonatal morbidity. Analysis of electronic fetal monitoring patterns studied showed that deceleration area was the most predictive electronic fetal monitoring pattern for acidemia, and combined with tachycardia for significant risk of morbidity. They performed this study in patients delivering ≥37 weeks, which might limit the generalizability to preterm populations. In addition, computerized analysis of the electronic fetal monitoring patterns was not used.
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