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A prospective cohort study comparing expulsion after post-placental insertion: The levonorgestrel vs the copper intrauterine device

Contraception May 23, 2019

Hinz EK, et al. - Researchers studied this prospective cohort of 114 participants with a post-placental intrauterine device inserted after vaginal or cesarean delivery, aged 18–45 and≥24 weeks gestation, in order to assess how intrauterine device type differ regarding the expulsion rate at 6 months after post-placental insertion. A levonorgestrel 52 mg intrauterine device was chosen by 75 (65.8%) participants and a copper intrauterine device was chosen by 39 (34.2%) participants; a vaginal delivery was reported in 58 (50.9%) participants and a cesarean delivery in 56 (49.1%) participants. As per outcomes, the levonorgestrel and copper intrauterine device type did not differ in terms of the expulsion rate at 6-months after post-placental insertion.
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