A proinflammatory CD4+ T cell phenotype in gestational diabetes mellitus
Diabetologia - Clinical and Experimental Diabetes and Metabolism Jun 07, 2018
Sheu A, et al. - In this prospective longitudinal case-control study, the researchers described pro- and anti-inflammatory CD4+ (T helper [Th]) T cell subsets in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) vs women without GDM (of similar BMI), during and after pregnancy, as well as studied the association between CD4+ subsets and severity of GDM. This study was conducted on 55 women with GDM (cases) and 65 women without GDM (controls) at a tertiary maternity hospital. In women with GDM vs women without, a milder inflammatory phenotype persisted after delivery. Results of this study suggested that dysregulation of adaptive immunity supported a novel paradigm of GDM that extends beyond hyperglycaemia and altered innate immunity.
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