A preliminary comparison of masticatory performances between immediately loaded and conventionally loaded mandibular two-implant overdentures with magnetic attachments
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Dec 21, 2018
Komagamine Y, et al. - Authors analyzed 19 candidates with edentulous mandibles (who received 2 implants per person) to compare masticatory performance (MP) between immediately loaded and conventionally loaded mandibular two-implant overdentures (2-IODs) retained by magnet attachments. They measured MP by color-changeable chewing gum and a gummy jelly and evaluated maximum occlusal force after implant insertion. They observed no significant differences in MP, measured by chewing gum, or maximum occlusal force but a higher MP was measured by gummy jelly at the 6-month time-point concluding improved MP at immediate loading of 2-IODs at an earlier time-point than conventional loading of 2-IODs.
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