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A precise and reliable method of determining lesion size in osteonecrosis of the femoral head using volumes

Journal of Arthroplasty Oct 15, 2019

Hindoyan KN, et al. - In this investigation involving 24 patients, researchers ascertained if volumetric measurements to identify lesion size in osteonecrosis of the femoral head using MRI and 3D software were more accurate than other previously described methods. For the volumetric measurements, an interclass correlation coefficient value of 0.81 was calculated. Findings suggested that volumetric lesion size measurements using 3D MRI imaging software to evaluate femoral head osteonecrosis were more accurate than previously described methods and have outstanding interobserver reliability. In clinical decision-making, a 3D MRI assessment of volume of osteonecrosis in the femoral head can be beneficial.
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