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A population-based cohort study examining the incidence and impact of psychotic experiences from childhood to adulthood, and prediction of psychotic disorder

American Journal of Psychiatry Mar 03, 2020

Sullivan SA, Kounali D, Cannon M, et al. - Researchers undertook this population-based cohort analysis, to determine the incidence, course, as well as the result of psychotic experiences from childhood through early adulthood in the general population. They also assessed the prediction of psychotic disorder. The semistructured Psychosis-Like Symptoms Interview at ages 12, 18, and 24 (N = 7,900 with any data) were utilized for this purpose. A definite psychotic experience since age 12 was reported in 313 of 3,866 participants interviewed at age 24. Up to age 24, the criteria for a psychotic disorder were satisfied by overall 109 people (2.8%), of whom, professional help was sought by 70%. For the incidence of psychotic experiences, a peak was observed during late adolescence. In young people with psychotic disorders, an unmet need for care was also reported. Due to low sensitivity, the population levels of first-episode psychosis will likely be influenced little by targeting people in non-help-seeking samples based only on more severe symptom cutoff thresholds.
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