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A pilot study evaluating the effect of early physical therapy on pain and disabilities after breast cancer surgery: prospective randomized control trail

The Breast Jul 24, 2021

Klein I, Kalichman L, Chen N, et al. - The present study was performed to explore the effect of early physical therapy (PT) and patient's education on these morbidities. Researchers designed a prospective, randomized clinical trial at a single medical center from October 2018 until April 2019. For breast cancer surgery, women scheduled were classified into intervention or control as standard care. They further assessed pain levels, upper limb function, range of motion, and complications. A total of 157 women were included in this study (mean age, 52.2 ± 12.9). The findings demonstrate that early PT and patient education decreases pain levels, and may improve function disabilities, without causing postoperative complications, although there is a need for a larger study to achieve unequivocal results.

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