A novel remaining tendon preserving repair technique leads to improved outcomes in special rotator cuff tear patterns
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery May 20, 2018
Jeon YS, et al. - Authors assessed the tear pattern that could be anatomically repaired by preserving the remaining tendon on footprint and assessed clinical outcomes of patients who underwent remaining tendon preserving cuff repair. Satisfactory functional outcomes were obtained by the patients who underwent rotator cuff repair with preservation of the remaining tendon on the footprint. Results demonstrated that remaining tendon preserving repair technique could be used to repair rotator cuff tears in patients who had posterior L-shaped tear extending between supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons or transtendinous tear pattern with the substantial remaining tendon. To achieve anatomic reduction of torn cuff tendon without undue tension, remaining tendon preserving repair technique could be used.
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