A novel opioid-sparing pain management protocol following total hip arthroplasty: Effects on opioid consumption, pain severity, and patient reported outcomes
Journal of Arthroplasty Jul 01, 2019
Padilla JA, et al. - Through a retrospective study, the researchers displayed the outcomes of opioid sparing pain management pilot protocol for total hip arthroplasty (THA). Patients were randomized into traditional pain management protocol and opioid-sparing pain management protocol. Among two cohorts at any time-point, no statistically significant difference in Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score for Joint Replacement was noted. However, a marked reduction in pain scores but not in the rates over time was observed between the two pain management protocols. Compared to the traditional cohort, inpatient opioid consumption was significantly lower for the opioid-sparing cohort. During the post-discharge period, the opioid-sparing cohort was prescribed significantly fewer opioids than the traditional cohort. Hence, during the 90-day THA episode of care, a reduction in the opioid intake through an opioid-sparing protocol was observed providing the equivalent pain management and PROs comparable to a traditional opioid-based regimen. Furthermore, in clinical practice, these findings could assist in reducing the risk of adverse events associated with postoperative opioid use and provide a method of limiting the opioid footprint.
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