A nomogram prediction of peri-implantitis in treated severe periodontitis patients: A 1–5-year prospective cohort study
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Nov 02, 2018
Zhang H, et al. - Researchers sought to identify risk factors for peri-implantitis in treated severe periodontitis patients, and to and create a nomogram prediction model. A prospective study was conducted on 100 patients with 214 implants, who were evaluated for periodontal and peri-implant parameters at implant surgery procedure (T1), and at follow-up (T2). They identified the residual pockets and implant position as predictors for peri-implantitis. Findings suggested the nomogram was useful in estimating the risk of peri-implantitis in treated severe periodontitis patients. As per data, 16% and 11.2% were the incidences of peri-implantitis at patient-level and implant level, respectively, with no implant lost.
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