A nationwide evaluation of deceased donor kidney transplantation indicates detrimental consequences of early graft loss
Kidney International Mar 07, 2020
de Kok MJ, Schaapherder AF, Mensink JW, et al. - Given early graft loss (EGL) represents a dreaded consequence of kidney transplantation, and as a result, kidneys with an anticipated risk of EGL are rejected for transplantation, and since an understanding of the consequences of EGL is required in this context, therefore, researchers determined the consequence of EGL by systematically assessing its influence in an observational analysis involving 10,307 deceased-donor kidney transplantations done in The Netherlands between 1990 and 2018. In primary transplantation, the estimated incidence of EGL (defined as graft loss within 90 days) was 8.2%. Graft rejection (30%), primary non-function (25%), and thrombosis or infarction (20%) were reported as the main causes. Overall, EGL post-kidney transplantation was acknowledged as a medical emergency resulting in high mortality rates, low relisting rates and a heightened risk of recurrent EGL after re-transplantation. This means that detrimental results also include the convergence of risk factors in recipients with EGL. Experts noted a minimal influence of the 8.2% incidence of EGL on the population mortality, this suggests that this incidence is acceptable.
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