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A mysterious risk factor for bone cement leakage into the spinal canal through the Batson vein during percutaneous kyphoplasty: A case control study

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Sep 20, 2019

Zhang S, Wang GJ, Wang Q, et al. - Researchers conducted this case control study to examine the impact of posterior vertebral wall morphology in osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture (OVCF) patients on bone cement leakage into the spinal canal during percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP), an effective method for treating OVCFs. The study sample consisted of 98 OVCF patients with plain CT scans and three-dimensional reconstruction images from T6 to L5. According to findings, the concave posterior vertebral wall depth in the middle and lower thoracic vertebrae can assist to decrease the leakage of bone cement into the spinal canal by preventing the distribution of bone cement over the posterior 1/6 of the vertebral body during PKP. One reason why the rate of bone cement leakage in the thoracic spinal canal is significantly higher than that in the lumbar spinal canal is the effect of the difference between thoracic and lumbar posterior vertebral wall morphology on bone cement leakage into the spinal canal through the Batson vein in OVCF patients during PKP.
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