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A multifaceted intervention to improve syphilis screening and treatment in pregnant women in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Lusaka, Zambia: A cluster randomised controlled trial

The Lancet Global Health Apr 19, 2019

Althabe F, et al. - In this 18-month, cluster randomized controlled trial, researchers ascertained if improving the screening of syphilis and treatment during antenatal care was better supported by combining providing supplies with a behavioral intervention vs providing only supplies. At the first antenatal care visit, 18,357 women were enrolled in 13 intervention clinics and 17,679 women were enrolled in the 13 control clinics. A behavioral intervention, along with the providing supplies can lead to screening and syphilis treatment for more than 95% of women. Comparable screening coverage levels can be achieved with only providing supplies, but it is not enough to ensure high treatment levels.

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