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A multidimensional profile of dyspnea in hospitalized patients

Chest Jun 28, 2019

Stevens JP, et al. - Researchers examined patients who reported breathing discomfort of at least 4/10 on admission (10 = unbearable) at a tertiary care hospital to characterize the multiple sensations and associated emotions of dyspnea. This is the first multidimensional portrait of dyspnea in a general inpatient population. Recruitment of 156 patients within 24 hours of admission was done. the patients were evaluated for current and worst dyspnea with the Multidimensional Dyspnea Profile; in the study, patients participated 2.6 days on average. Dyspnea was identified as unacceptable by a total of 54% of patients with dyspnea ≥4 on day 1. Usually, the worst dyspnea each day in the prior 24 hours was experienced at rest. In most cases, dyspnea declined but persisted through hospitalization. The dominant sensation was “air hunger”, particularly when dyspnea was strong (>4). The dominant emotions associated with dyspnea were anxiety and frustration.
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