A multicenter retrospective clinical study with up-to-5-year follow-up utilizing a method that enhances bone density and allows for transcrestal sinus augmentation through compaction grafting
The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants Nov 21, 2018
Huwais S, et al. - Authors assessed the efficacy and predictability of a novel biomechanical, minimally invasive bone instrumentation technique that enhances bone density through compaction grafting, called osseous densification, and allows for transcrestal sinus membrane elevation and augmentation with simultaneous implant placement. They included the patients who were consecutively treated with the bone densification and transcrestal sinus augmentation technique and were followed up in three treatment centers between May 2012 and September 2017. Favorable clinical outcomes with up to 64 months of follow-up were led by this osseous densification technique for maxillary implant site preparation with transcrestal sinus augmentation and simultaneous implant placement.
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