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A mindfulness intervention to reduce maternal distress in neonatal intensive care: A mixed methods pilot study

Archives of Women's Mental Health Jun 10, 2018

Mendelson T, et al. - Considering the risk for depression, anxiety, and trauma symptoms among mothers with an infant in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), researchers performed a pre-post pilot study to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes of a mindfulness intervention for NICU mothers. A mindfulness intervention, via introductory video and audio-recorded practices, was offered to 27 mothers recruited from a university NICU. Significant improvements in depressive, anxiety, and trauma symptoms, negative coping, NICU-related stress, and sleep were identified supporting the mindfulness intervention’s feasibility, acceptability, and potential promise for reducing maternal distress and promoting well-being. Using video and audio modalities could promote program sustainability and scale up.
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