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A meta-analysis of clinical predictors for renal recovery and overall mortality in acute kidney injury requiring continuous renal replacement therapy

Journal of Critical Care Jul 31, 2020

Hansrivijit P, Yarlagadda K, Puthenpura MM, et al. - Researchers investigated clinical predictors for continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) cessation in patients experiencing acute kidney injury (AKI). They explored Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library. Inclusion criteria were: non-end-stage kidney disease adults who needed CRRT for AKI. CRRT discontinuation defined renal recovery. Experts grouped the analyses into renal recovery cohort and overall mortality cohort. The included studies were observational. Findings revealed that a higher chance of renal recovery was observed in correlation with urine output at CRRT discontinuation, lower initial SOFA score, and lower serum creatinine levels at CRRT start. Experts identified increased overall death from AKI on CRRT in correlation with increasing age and the presence of sepsis. Data on co-morbidities were limited, which might preclude their inclusion in this analysis.

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