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A mediterranean diet with an enhanced consumption of extra virgin olive oil and pistachios improves pregnancy outcomes in women without gestational diabetes mellitus: A sub-analysis of the St. Carlos Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Prevention study

Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism Dec 19, 2018

Assaf-Balut C, et al. - Researchers assessed the impact of a Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), enhanced with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and nuts, on a composite of adverse maternofoetal outcomes of women with normoglycemia during pregnancy. They conducted a sub-analysis of the St Carlos gestational diabetes mellitus Prevention Study. Findings suggested an association a MedDiet, enhanced with EVOO and nuts with a risk reduction of composite of maternofoetal outcomes (CMFOs) in over 50% in normoglycemic pregnant women. Hence, for pregnant women it might be a potentially adequate diet. Crude relative risk demonstrated a correlation of the intervention with a significant reduction in the risk of CMFOs, with a number-needed-to-treat=5.
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