A long-term prospective cohort study on immediately restored single tooth implants inserted in extraction sockets and healed ridges: CBCT analyses, soft tissue alterations, aesthetic ratings, and patient-reported outcomes
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Apr 25, 2018
Raes S, et al. - Authors assessed immediately restored single implants after at least 8 years of follow-up in terms of buccal bone, soft tissue alterations, aesthetic ratings, and patient-reported outcomes. Over time, significant deterioration in the alveolar process deficiency was seen, whereas vertical soft tissue levels and PES remained stable. Results demonstrated that at the buccal aspect of single implants inserted in the premaxilla, substantial dimensional changes could be expected. As a result, at the time of implant placement, even when implants were fully embedded in bone upon insertion, contour augmentation procedures ought to be considered to counteract these bone alterations.
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