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A hepcidin-based approach for iron therapy in hemodialysis patients: A pilot study

Hemodialysis International Feb 19, 2020

Touzot M, et al. - Researchers describe a monocentric study to clarify if oral iron therapy in hemodialysis patients (HD) could be guided by hepcidin level (a key factor that regulates iron homeostasis). Participants included 9 “erythropoietin (EPO)-free” patients (without recombinant human EPO [rHU-EPO] for at least 6 months) and normal hepcidin level (< 20 ng mL) throughout the study. Oral iron (ferrous sulfate 80 mg/day) was started after 15 days of washout. The hemoglobin response and iron store at 3 months were assessed as the primary endpoint. Findings revealed the effectiveness as well as the safety of oral iron therapy in EPO-free patients with normal hepcidin levels. The possible use of serum hepcidin as a marker for defining iron therapy strategies in HD patients was also suggested. Oral iron therapy could be beneficial for HD patients managed with rHU-EPO and with normal hepcidin levels.
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