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A gender-based comparison of coracoid and glenoid anatomy: ct analysis and discussion of potential impact on the latarjet procedure.

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Nov 12, 2020

du Plessis JP, Dey R, Dachs R, et al. - This study was intended to assess the association between the glenoid and coracoid morphometries and investigates their gender-related variations. For this study, glenohumeral computerized tomography (CT) scans of 100 consecutive patients were considered. Researchers conducted morphometric measurements after aligning the coracoid and glenoid in their optimum orientation. The outcomes revealed that measurements taken from CT scans exhibited significant variations between genders in absolute measurements and in the ratio of the coracoid height to glenoid AP distance. In female patients, this could have implications on the ability of the Latarjet procedure to compensate for bone loss.

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