A donor utilization index to assess the utilization and discard of deceased donor kidneys perceived as high risk
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Oct 24, 2019
Brennan C, Husain SA, King KL, et al. - Researchers determined deceased donor kidney utilization in 182 adult transplant centers with > 15 annual deceased donor kidney transplants, using a weighted donor utilization index that was developed by them from a logistic regression model employing high-risk donor features and discard rates from 113,640 deceased donor kidneys procured for transplant from 2010 to 2016. They also assessed variations in donor utilization indexes by using linear regression and correlation. They found that the use of deceased donor kidneys with less desirable characteristics differed markedly between centers, both within and between regions. A significant link of broader utilization with shorter time to transplantation was also observed.
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