A Core Outcome Set for the prevention and treatment of fetal GROwth restriction: DeVeloping Endpoints: The COSGROVE study
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jun 05, 2019
Healy P, et al. - Given the increased risk of both short and long-term adverse outcomes in growth-restricted fetuses, authors sought to create core outcome sets for trials of prevention or treatment of fetal growth restriction. They conducted a comprehensive literature review to recognize outcomes reported in studies of prevention or treatment of fetal growth restriction. In three rounds of online Delphi Surveys, all outcomes were presented for prioritization to key stakeholders (135 health care providers, 68 researchers/academics and 35 members of the public). The final core outcome set included 22 outcomes in total. They grouped these outcomes under four domains: maternal (n=4); fetal (n=1); neonatal (n=12), and childhood (n=5). Hence a large number of potentially relevant outcomes were identified in the COSGROVE study. Then consensus on those factors was reached which are– as a minimum –necessary to be determined and reported in all future trials of prevention or treatment of fetal growth restriction. This will facilitate future trials to cover similar, meaningful outcomes, and assure findings from different studies can be compared and combined.
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