A composite score to assess the burden of periodontal diseases and tooth loss
Journal of Periodontology Jun 10, 2019
Lamster IB, et al. - Since there is no universally accepted index that summarizes the burden of periodontal diseases, considering the number of teeth remaining in the mouth, therefore, researchers created a new conceptual index that involves consideration of the extent and severity of the periodontal diseases, the distribution of affected teeth, and tooth loss as a function of age. The index is known as the Burden of Periodontal Diseases and Tooth Loss (BPT). Initially considered as fresh patients in a dental school clinic, a cohort of 1097 people were researched and assessed for undiagnosed dysglycemia. This conceptual research shows that in summarizing the condition of the mouth, the extent and severity of periodontal pathology and the amount and distribution of missing teeth are significant factors. The BPT offers a measure of the burden of oral disease as both periodontal pathology and tooth loss are linked to both functional impairment and reduced quality of life. The dental profession and dental research community must constantly strive to create new approaches to define and summarize the burden of oral disease.
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