A comparison of two methods of catheter management after pelvic reconstructive surgery: A randomized controlled trial
Obstetrics and Gynecology Nov 04, 2019
Boyd S, et al. - Researchers performed a comparison of the efficacy of two catheter management systems (plug–unplug or continuous drainage catheters) after failed voiding trial after pelvic reconstructive surgery. They randomized 63 eligible patients in this work (32 plug–unplug, 31 continuous drainage). The reference arm comprised the first 30 participants discharged without a catheter. No differences were identified in postoperative activity in patients discharged with plug–unplug or continuous drainage catheters. However, those with plug–unplug perceive easier management and ability to complete activities of daily living. Findings thereby support the plug–unplug method as an adequate alternative to traditional catheterization after pelvic reconstructive surgery.
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