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A comparison of perioperative stone-free rates and complications following unilateral, single-access percutaneous nephrolithotomy by access location in 767 patients

Urology Apr 18, 2020

Nottingham CU, et al. - Utilizing their institutional PCNL database, researchers undertook this study to compare perioperative results between lower, mid, and upper pole access locations for patients undergoing single-access, unilateral PCNL. Patients who underwent unilateral, single access procedures were included, and patients who underwent a contralateral procedure during the same admission or multi-access procedures were removed from this study. Experts categorized the patients based on the site of PCNL access (lower, mid, or upper pole). Overall 767 patients were examined, with the majority of access locations being in the lower pole (80.2%). In terms of stone-free rates or complications, no difference was evident between lower, mid, and upper pole locations when performing unilateral PCNL using a single site of access. In PCNL, appropriate selection of access location is recommended to be individualized to patient factors and surgeon experience.

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