A comparison of clinical outcomes of acute testicular torsion between prepubertal and postpubertal males
Journal of Pediatric Urology Nov 10, 2019
Goetz J, Roewe R, Doolittle J, et al. - A retrospective chart review was done on pediatric individuals who were diagnosed with acute testicular torsion between June 2010 and August 2017 (n = 91) in order to determine whether there was a disparity in orchiectomy and orchiopexy rates between prepubertal and postpubertal males with acute testicular torsion and how presenting symptoms could differ between the two age groups as prepubertal males may manifest with atypical symptoms, which could lead to delayed presentation and diagnosis. Prepubertal males (younger than 12 years) were at greater risk for orchiectomy than postpubertal males amongst people presenting to a tertiary pediatric hospital with acute testicular torsion. Moreover, prepubertal males were found out to be more inclined to present with atypical symptoms which lead to delayed presentation and diagnosis, resulting in an impediment in surgical intervention.
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