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A comparison of adverse short-term outcomes following forefoot amputation performed on an inpatient vs outpatient basis.

The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Jun 25, 2021

Meyr AJ, Skolnik J, Mateen S, et al. - This study was undertaken to investigate short-term adverse outcomes following forefoot amputation with a specific comparison between those procedures performed on an inpatient versus outpatient basis. Researchers interrogated the 2018 American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database to select those individuals with a 28,805 CPT code (amputation, foot; transmetatarsal) that had undergone the procedure with “all layers of incision (deep and superficial) fully closed.” This resulted in 326 individuals who had undergone the procedure on an inpatient basis and 72 individuals who had undergone the procedure on an outpatient basis. The outcomes of this evaluation indicate no difference in short-term adverse outcomes following the performance of forefoot amputation with primary closure when the procedure is conducted on an inpatient or outpatient basis. They expect that this information is utilized in future evaluations particularly analyzing this clinical scenario as it relates to hospital admission criteria related to lower extremity tissue loss, length of hospital stay considerations, the timing of partial foot amputation following revascularization, and the economics of limb preservation.

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