A comparison in precision and accuracy of the conventional syringe to the Suh precision syringe
Clinical Ophthalmology Sep 29, 2019
DeLuna D, et al. - Using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test, data were analyzed to compare the accuracy and precision of a conventional intraocular syringe to the Suh precision syringe (SPS), a new injection device intended to reduce operator error and negative results by offering a more ergonomic technique for periocular and intraocular injections. Participants in the study were advised to inject a specified quantity of water into a 0.2 mL polymerase chain reaction tube and a sheep eye, first with the conventional syringe, and then with the SPS. According to findings, the SPS shows significant potential to reduce the overall injection risk by reducing forward-retraction movement during device operation. In addition, this new syringe design provides better control with injection depth and drug injection volume. With its more ergonomic design, the SPS has the ability to reduce intraocular injection-related hazards by enhancing injection accuracy and precision.
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