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A comparative, randomized, prospective, two center clinical study to evaluate the clinical and esthetic outcomes of two different bone grafting techniques in early implant placement

Journal of Periodontology Nov 01, 2018

Mau JL, et al. - Authors assessed the clinical esthetic outcome when two different bone grafting materials were utilized. In the control group, they used the autogenous bone to cover the exposed implant surface then a layer of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) was added. In the test group, the exposed implant surface was covered with a layer of freezed-dried bone allograft (FDBA) in combination with the collagen membrane. In early implant placement with contour augmentation after 1 year, a stable clinical and esthetic outcomes were resulted by autogenous bone plus DBBM and FDBA each combined with a collagen membrane. For the test and control groups, the mean total pink esthetic score (PES)/white esthetic score (WES) were 15.29 and 15.33 respectively, with no significant difference between groups.
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