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A comparative analysis of femoral nerve block with adductor canal block following total knee arthroplasty: A systematic literature review

Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology Jan 07, 2019

Karkhur Y, et al. - Researchers analyzed evidence from studies comparing outcomes of adductor canal block and femoral nerve block in patients undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty. The original articles, published between July 2013 and April 2017, comparing the above interventions, were analyzed, focusing on pain scores; interventional failure; post-operative opioid consumption; patient fall or near fall during postoperative rehabilitation; and length of stay. On the first and second postoperative day, both interventions offered comparable opioid consumption. Better quadriceps power, longer ambulation distance, and shorter length of hospital stay were seen in patients administered adductor canal block. Findings revealed that, with adductor canal block, less inhibition of mobilization and ambulation, which are both important for recovery after total knee arthroplasty, was seen.
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