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A combination of circulating chemokines as biomarkers of obesity‐induced insulin resistance at puberty

Pediatric Obesity Sep 02, 2020

Rivera P, Martos‐Moreno GA, Barrios V, et al. - In this investigation, researchers sought to produce a clinically relevant biomarker model for stratifying insulin resistance (IR) in adolescents with obesity. Cytokines [tumour cell derived factor 1α, monocyte chemoattract protein (MCP) 1, eotaxin and fractalkine], growth factors [brain‐derived neurotrophic factor, pro‐fibrotic platelet‐derived growth factor (PDGF‐BB) and insulin‐like growth factor 1] and biochemical/metabolic factors have been analyzed in the serum of 143 pubertal patients with obesity and 33 controls. Two biomarker IR models combining levels of triglycerides (TG)/HDL, eotaxin, MCP‐1 and PDGF‐BB in pubertal patients with obesity of both sexes have been defined. The concentrations of PDGF‐BB, MCP‐1, eotaxin, TG and cholesterol constitute a solid panel of biomarkers correlated with IR in pubertal children with obesity that could be useful for stratification in a clinical setting.

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