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A cohort study comparing the severity and outcome of intrauterine adhesiolysis for Asherman syndrome after first- or second-trimester termination of pregnancy

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 09, 2019

Zhu R, et al. - In this retrospective descriptive analysis of patients with moderate-to-severe intrauterine adhesiolysis (IUAs) following termination of pregnancy (TOP), researchers compared women after first or second-trimester TOP regarding clinical characteristics of Asherman syndrome and the outcomes of hysteroscopic adhesiolysis. They analyzed a total of 236 patients with 180 first-trimester TOP and 56 second-trimester TOP patients. Outcomes revealed more severe intrauterine adhesion and a worse prognosis after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis in correlation to second trimester TOP in women with Asherman syndrome when compared to first-trimester TOP.
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