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A cohort study comparing the severity and outcome of intrauterine adhesiolysis for Asherman syndrome after first- or second-trimester termination of pregnancy

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Jun 18, 2019

Zhu R, et al. - Via a retrospective descriptive analysis of 236 patients with moderate-to-severe intrauterine adhesiolysis (IUAs) after termination of pregnancy (TOP), the researchers intended to compare the clinical characteristics of Asherman syndrome and the outcomes of hysteroscopic adhesiolysis in women post first or second-trimester TOP. During the second-trimester group the rates of the severe adhesion and amenorrheoa were significantly higher than those in the first-trimester group. The pregnancy rate of severe intrauterine adhesions in second-trimester TOP in comparison with first-trimester TOP were significantly lower suggesting an association among second trimester TOP, more severe intrauterine adhesion and a worse prognosis after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis in women with Asherman syndrome when compared to first-trimester TOP.
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