A case control analysis investigating risk factors and outcomes for nephrocalcinosis and renal calculi in neonates
Journal of Pediatric Urology Aug 09, 2017
Huynh M, et al. – A caseÂcontrol analysis was designed to distinguish risk factors correlaed with nephrocalcinosis (NC) and/or renal calculi (RC) in neonates and studied the natural course of these anomalies. Most cases of NC/RC resolve spontaneously without surgical intervention. It was noted that the mean time to resolution is 12.1 months, without untoward consequences in terms of hypertension. A history of UTIs is the only identified risk factor distinguished in this study which is correlated with a significant increased risk of neonatal nephrocalcinosis and/or renal calculi. Larger prospective studies are needed to confirm these findings.
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