A biomechanical comparison of different suture materials used for arthroscopic shoulder procedures
Arthroscopy Nov 15, 2019
Taha ME, Schneider K, Clarke EC, et al. - Six suture materials (Ethibond, FiberWire, FiberTape, Orthocord, Ultrabraid, and Ultratape) underwent creep testing (n = 7, 60 N, 10 minutes) in order to assess the viscoelastic properties of four commercially available cord-like sutures and two commercially available suture tapes when constrained to physiological loads, to contrast them with each other and to recognize the clinically most beneficial combination of suture material properties. The greatest stiffness, the smallest amounts of static and dynamic creep, and the smallest peak-to-peak displacement was exhibited by FiberTape. The most trivial primary elongation was revealed by FiberTape and FiberWire. The greatest relaxed elongation was presented by Ultrabraid, both statically and dynamically.
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